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No.1   [Reply]

When I listen to this song I think of her.

It's you that I adore
You'll always be my whore
You'll be the mother to my child
And a child to my heart
We must never be apart
We must never be apart

Lovely girl you're the beauty in my world
Without you there aren't reasons left to find

And I'll pull your crooked teeth
You'll be perfect just like me
You'll be a lover in my bed
And a gun to my head
We must never be apart
We must never be apart

In you I see dirty
In you I count stars
In you I feel so pretty
In you I taste god
In you I feel so hungry
In you I crash cars
We must never be apart

Drinking mercury
To the mystery of all that you should ever seek to find
Lovely girl you're the murder in my world
Dressing coffins for the souls I've left behind
In time
We must never be apart

And you'll always be my whore
Cause you're the one that i adore
And I'll pull your crooked teeth
You'll be perfect just like me
In you I feel so dirty in you I crash cars
In you I feel so pretty in you I taste god
We must never be apart

>> No.2  

Unoriginal content is unoriginal. Feel free to criticize me but these posts with music lyrics are so boring and long, not to mention creepy. I think these days, a guy writing a poem to a girl or repeating music lyrics is a bit nutso. But hey, I'm here so who am I to talk?

>> No.3  
>And I'll pull your crooked teeth

What is this?

>> No.4  

I think original poetry is fine but posting random song lyrics gets on my nerves too. Who cares if a song reminds you of Cracky. When Cracky is everything then anything at all will remind you of her. When I am drinking my morning coffee to me it's her menstrual blood. It's a sort of transubstination similar to what Catholics experience with bread and wine being Christ's flesh and blood. Once i tried to put coffee on my face but it was hurty and didn't stick well.
Pulling her teeths would be bad. I don't see the purpose and I don't even think Ebay lets you sell body parts so there is no profit involved. This song is obviously not Cracky related!

>> No.5  


oh my

>> No.6  

I just lost some of the contents of my stomach.

>> No.7  


My thoughts also.

>> No.8  


I know you're doing it for the lulz but give it a little discretion plox. And to think you were the one who gave me all those pointers.

>> No.9  



>> No.10  

Golly guys, most of my posts are like this. Using a name makes this different how? There is no love for the weirdos. By weirdos I mean normal people like myself. =)
Durify your stomach! What does not kill you makes you stronger!

>> No.12  


Or in this case, makes me replace lost toast.

>> No.13  
File: 1186617444423.jpg -(17137 B, 480x298) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.14  


In this place, it's hard to separate the weirdos from the ones being weird for the lulz.

>> No.15  

Everyone here is a troll. Everyone.

>> No.16  

in your couch when you find money
why is it change and never a 20

oh wow I are poet too!

>> No.17  


>Or in this case, makes me replace lost toast.

As long as you're not reusing the same toast as a replacement this is OK.

> for the lulz

Lulz? I see no lulz here. Cracky-chan truly is Our Goddess. I will hold no other deity before her.
I sure hope you don't think that money and twenty rhyme.

>> No.18  


I was trying to be funny...

AND technically they don't but they sound similar enough to flow together. Pedantry creates stagnance

>> No.19  


You do know that this is a site specialized to the depraved obsession about your persona yet you still remain and rationalize it with looking out for your stalkers. But there are no stalking talks so far. Don't deny it. You revel in the attention.

I can see right through you. Two can play the hurting game.

>> No.20  


Pretty sure that wasn't Lia. There was no tripcode. More than likely a troll.

>> No.21  


she replied anonymous on your post am I right?

>> No.22  


I don't think so.

>> No.23  


I don't think whether she prefers scotch or irish whiskey is that personal of a question

:) jk

does that ring a bell?

>> No.24  
File: 1186621074319.jpg -(58285 B, 600x454) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Sort of. Now you're getting me all confused.

>> No.25  


It's her all right with all her ego-loving glory.

>> No.26  

I said that...
I posted the pseudo poem about finding money in your couch
I am the one who insists she goes into costume design
I am the one who came here to ask for her other artwork (redirected from chanchan) and when I couldn't find it I stayed for... uhhh some reason or something.

does EVERYONE here need to have a tripcode before you start thinking they're cute english chicks?

I am an overweight /b/tard from missouri. Currently seeking the affection of a tall Jewish brunette I work with. Failing miserably as well. I have 111 beers rated on ratebeer. My 100th was hair of the dog adam.
I don't really think I need to go any further to prove I am not her...

>> No.27  


lol the truth comes out

>> No.28  
File: 1186621695849.jpg -(3264 B, 109x120) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


pic related

>> No.29  


Come on, can't you tell from some of her pictures that she doesn't have an ego problem? If there's any kind of women I'm not attracted to, it's egotistical women and from what I can gather, she is a modest individual.


Sup. You're probably not far from me then.

>> No.30  

you're Missourian too?

>> No.31  


who in the hell is this guy?

>> No.32  


that hat shrunk though... now I got a blue one

>> No.33  


jesus fucking christ you just fooled scatterbrain

>> No.35  

now I are confused

>> No.36  


She's awesome, but as I've said before; Cracky-chan was an accident. That character is not Lia, it is a fictional creation you've imagined to quench your own suffering. Don't fall in love with it, it will only hurt you, or perhaps even kill you. Now gtfo and find a girlfriend.

>> No.37  


dammit! I wish I still toked that could be an awesome metaphor in the right frame of mind...

>> No.38  
File: 1186622618527.jpg -(31892 B, 200x163) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


No, right across from you. Crappy, old, cryptic pic is just that.

>> No.39  


I wasn't fooled, just doubting myself. There were no spelling screwups so I figured it could be possibly her.

>> No.40  

Is this now the post a pictuar of your ugly self thread? I do not own a camera or even a cellphone but I do have an old picture that I took via putting my head in a scanner. Should I post it? Despite being the product of a moronic activity it does have a sort of aesthetic quality to it.

>> No.41  


Sure, post it.


And oh yeah, inb4 chav, dooshbag, and get a fucking tan.

>> No.42  
File: 1186624111060.jpg -(113997 B, 340x468) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In before get a haircut? I do not allow scissors to get near my head.

>> No.43  


You look as pretentious as I figured, lol. With any luck, Lia will join in the fun, or at least I can wish.

>> No.44  

you look like Emma watson

>> No.45  

lol, chavvy McChav.

>> No.46  

We can only hope. =( It's guys like me who make her reclusive though...
I had to look up who that is. I am not interested in that silly hobbits and wizards Harry Potter rubbish.

>> No.47  

No, you're interested in INCOMPREHENSIBLE PROSE.

>> No.48  


I assumed you came from /b/ and would know. One does not simply walk into bounceme.

>> No.49  

me neither... but uhhhmmm well it's not hard to know WHO she is.

especially coming out of /b/

>> No.50  

so now we got me
An ugly asshole with a hat that thankfully covers his face

a chav

an Anything
apparently a fap fantasy for underage fanboys and creepy old men...

anyone else? :-P

>> No.51  

Is/was Harry Potter/Emma Watson a meme or something? I haven't visited /b/ in ages. It's nothing but idiotic children. herd u liek mudkips DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU ... not for me, kthx.
Also bounceme!=Mordor
Just to clarify in case there is any confusion, I am not PA.

>> No.52  

Stop posting your pictures. This is becoming a fucking emo wankfest.

Awwwww nobody cares about me, awwwwwwww cracky left because she doesn't give a fuck, awwwwwwwww poor me, hey I got bored on myspace, here's my pic look what a fucking faggot I am omg lol amihotornot?

>> No.53  

I never said any of that
o_O I just posted the pic because I was alittle pissed being confused with L

>> No.54  


lol, I wanna post more just to spite you. But I see where you're coming from. But I think Lia would get a kick out of it if she's reading. After all, we've seen plenty of her pictures, it's only fair, right?

>> No.55  


Hey, don't sell yourself short there, if I was a girl.........ok, moving on.....

"an Anything
apparently a fap fantasy for underage fanboys and creepy old men..."

What's so apparent about that? Hmmmm, take a seat over there and let's have a small chat about your childhood.

>> No.57  

Anyone who faps over her pictures needs to get a fucking life, that is really taking it overboard tbh. I can appreciate the artistic talent of the girl, but really it's no big deal.. just browse DeviantArt a bit and you'll find there is plenty of equal talent wherever you look. She's not the only hot/nerdy girl in the universe, you know..

I'd rather be a friend than a lover. But having said that I'm not gonna get all emotional and emo if she doesn't want to know me.

You really are a bunch of needy fucks.

>> No.58  


If you think we fap over her pictures, you don't get it. Well, speaking for myself, and without going too much into this topic, I don't fap to girls I respect without knowing them.

>> No.59  

I'm only saying this because nobody else will. She's not a 'goddess', she's not a 'beautiful or unique snowflake', she's a cute girl.. end of story. I admit I fell in love with the myth, yep I did.. just as you are. It's a shitty place to be, so toughen the fuck up and gtfo. She has a b/f, she has a life.. she doesn't need you.

Ok.. I'm out of this shithole.

>> No.60  


Again, you're clueless. I initially came here because of her but now I've grown used to the people here and come just as much to chat it up. So what if she has a boyfriend? I'm not here for a potential romantic relationship with a young woman overseas, I'm not as deluded as you were. I just got out of a relationship lately so I've only had a romantic interest in her legend. In other words, you and I were, and are on different levels, or here for different reasons.

The only reason people like you leave is because you came here with delusions of grandeur and feel let down because you can't have her and finally figure it out. Most of us here know this, but still, we just come here to chat it up. Get a clue.

>> No.61  


'I've only had a romantic interest in her legend. '

Perhaps you're just here to escape reality?

I think we can agree to disagree on this one.

>> No.62  


Sure, I guess if you want, but mostly I go to /b/ to escape reality. Even though these places feature some of the most stark contrasts of daily life, it beats the hell out of daily mundane life. I've browsed many boards and this just happens to be a board I am currently interested in. It could be any other, but I'm currently aquainted and comfortable here. It's not like, 'OMG, I have to be here and nowhere else because our goddess is here'. And no, I don't see her as a goddess, you're misunderstanding me. She is a cute girl, as you said, and I'm just here to chat it up with others who have the same interest/s.

>> No.63  

The bounceme crew seems to have taken up this interesting task of reposting stuff of mine for some reason or another. I'm not sure if it has to do with my revered status, or what the deal is. So right now, I'm just waiting for my picture to show up.

>> No.64  
>I can appreciate the artistic talent of the girl

taking pictures of themselves and call it art = nothing but two-bit and pretentious garbage.

>> No.65  


i seriously fucking lol'd after reading it over, if that means "anything" to you

pee aye

>> No.66  

I can smell your ego.

>> No.67  
File: 1186656928451.jpg -(22219 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.68  


Lol, revered status.. are you a bad enough dude to think you're respected on the Internet?

>> No.69  

anything looked like Emma Watson... a fap fantasy for underage users and creepy old men :P

>> No.70  




Me too.


9 =/= me. No tripcode. If there has been no stalking going on why have I spoken to more than one person over AIM who has recited my RL details to the letter when I asked them what they thought they were?

I may not revel in the attention but it's directed at me so why not respond.

>> No.71  


What, are you guys retarded?

>> No.72  


>> No.73  

The last bit of stalking done was Icarus' doing, as far as I can tell. It's just that what he uncovered is somehow spreading like wildfire. I have it, and I don't even WANT it. It makes my skin crawl just to know that I do.

This shit needs to stop. Please.

>> No.74  


Sorry for stupidly assuming about the stalking.

I gotta ask though, how does the regret of showing your first picture at 4chan feel?

I know that there will be no reply here but the fact that you're pondering on this question right now, that is if you're reading it, is all the reply I need.

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