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File: 1186450965300.jpg -(106402 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
106402 No.1   [Reply]

None of you are ever satisfied, are you? You actually got to talk to her, and now this board the most emo thing since emo came to emotown.

Imagine that! She's her own person with her own opinions. She doesn't fit the image of person that you wanted her to be. Boo fucking hoo.

anyway, tl;dr.

I will continue to lurk this board as I always have... for the kicks.

(protip: if you want people to read your thread, use a picture of a sexy girl)

>> No.2  

Never being satisfied is human nature.

>> No.3  


>Never being satisfied is human nature.

Obviously there is only one option left for us. To an hero. End it all forever. I tried to float this suggestion a month or two ago and no one bit but does anybody want to join my suicide club? The kool-aid is free but you've gotta bring your own potassium cyanide. I'm hoping for a big turnout. Probably about 2000-3000 people sound about right? It'll be fun. Don't tell your psych doc though. They're working for the Shadow Government and will try to stop you. They're a front for the Reptilians. Don't trust the Orthomolecular oncologists either, they're all quacks.

>> No.4  

No. 3 again.
For the poster below who said (PA, is that you maybe?);

>Maybe I can get to go on a permanent "camping trip" too, right now I'm not so sure it'd be a bad thing.

Yes. I can take you on a permanent camping trip. Bring your friends too. It certainly won't be a bad thing. Don't bother with the sleeping bags. Where we are going you won't be needing them.

>> No.5  

This belongs in EoS.


>> No.6  

Thanks, you know this place actually makes me feel sane. You lot are so fucking twisted one way or the other.

>> No.7  


Sorry, I can't help but analyze threads now to see if it could be her. The OP's pic could be a cover up to make us think OP is a guy and why would a guy tell us to put sexy girl pics in our posts if you're a fan of Cracky. None will suffice other than Cracky.

But actually, why doesn't she fit the image of her we have unless everyone's is vastly different than mine. None of what she said surprised me.

>> No.8  

I think Lia is in the thread but I don't think it's the picture >_>

>> No.9  

Actually, look at this tripcode... Does it seem familiar? I was around last night for that tomfoolery.

And I'll save you the trouble, I'm not her.

>> No.11  


No, am I supposed to?

>> No.12  

Perhaps I can try to offset the emo-ness by saying that I am grateful for what happened, as much as I would have preferred it to have happened differently. I am glad that I was part of it and that I was able to at least say some of the things I wanted to. I'll remember that night on my deathbed and I think I will die happy.

Oh, and who is complaining about her not being like they imagined? I haven't seen a single person say something to that effect, unless PA and his writing counts. What we got was reality, and that's all I ever wanted. If I had wished to stick with the imaginary Cracky in my head, I wouldn't have been there.

QQ, as they say.

>> No.13  

You are right.

I'm satisfied because she's happy and well overall. This experience also gave me an awakening (so to speak) and I want to try to see how to better myself or some other crap like that.

In the end, I'll probably find myself a drunkard who dies before 30 years of age. Go me.

>> No.14  

then quit trying to guess who it is... that's why they don't like namefags and tripfags on b

if she wishes to be Anonymous than let her be Anonymous...

>> No.15  

Forced Anon now.

>> No.16  

that sexyness in the ops post got the pinkest nipples

I just wanna suck on them

>> No.17  


lol, you can tell him to stop wondering if an anon OP is Lia with the same ignorance you post on a board Lia wouldn't want here anyway? gb2/nazigermany/

Oh, and don't try to guess who this is.

>> No.18  

ehh perhaps I was out of line...

I really don't belong here... I wish EOS was more active

>> No.19  

Oh yes.

We need more pictures that make us go to the...
Well, edge of sanity.

>> No.20  

You stupid faggots. 'lia' only talked to you for the lulz. Seriously, stop fucking kidding yourselves and GTFO. This is the best fucking advice you will ever hear.

>> No.21  
>(protip: if you want people to read your thread, use a picture of a sexy girl)

got me totally

>> No.22  
>For the poster below who said (PA, is that you maybe?);

hell no.

>> No.23  


Hi Icarus.

>> No.24  

I've seen this sitting here for quite a while now. SO, anyways, first reply to a Lia post.

Am I the only one awake or something? Jesus.

>> No.25  

er, I mean hi.

>> No.28  

Apparently you were the only one awake.
And I doubt she's actually lurking now, but just in case...
Hi Lia!

Nope, got nothing.

>> No.29  

In b4 9,001 "Hi Lia" posts.

>> No.30  

Or something of the like.

>> No.31  


>> No.32  


That's her tripcode. Obligatory, "Hi Lia!".

>> No.33  

I can't think of anything worthwhile to contribute.

>> No.34  
File: 1186520192735.jpg -(663806 B, 1174x790) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So what else is new?

>> No.35  

So Lia, if you care to answer, do any of your IRL friends know you as "Cracky"? Was it also you that said your bf is 24 and non-English and does he know? I don't want to seem too intrusive but this is a board about you and no one else is asking you anything.

I think if you interacted more here, it would be good for both you and your legion here. But you don't have to answer it, I'm just sort of trying to break the ice. I think you should feel free to comment here and you'll realize, we're just ordinary people, most of us anyway. My interest isn't exactly about you, but your legend at the chans. I've always had an interest in internet history and the sociology of it so I find this interesting.

>> No.37  

It's pretty fucking awesome how Lia actually lurks here now and occasionaly posts in threads. I've been waiting for this moment for so long.

btw hi Lia ^^

>> No.38  


don't worry I am already contributing Jamaican rum to my system!

>> No.39  
>I haven't seen a single person say something to that effect, unless PA and his writing counts.

PA: I've come to terms with myself. Like Scatterbrain said, it was a huge fucking mistake of me trying to build her up to my own expectations and thinking that writing my fancy puppy dog, John keats fluttery bs would somehow make her want me. What really eats me up, what really eviscerates everything inside me now is how she probably thinks I'm worse than a stalker when all I did, besides the love business, was genuinely care about her.

I don't know. I probably need somebody who's as apeshit to love as I am.

I maybe gone soon but not without one last address, something to save face.

>> No.40  

I'm not Icarus, Lia.

My aim screenname is the same as the tripcode.

>> No.41  

operant conditioning. reinforcement. punishment.

>> No.42  

Heh, nice

And ZOMG HI LIA, obviously. I honestly thought you'd never post here after the 420 thing, it's nice to know you sort of tolerate us. I'm pretty normal too, honest.

>> No.43  

Actually I know !q4tlQBVYhk

FYI it's not Sanguine.

>> No.44  


> she probably thinks I'm worse than a stalker

Well, obviously she can speak for herself (or not) but I would guess the prospect of creepy anons physically tracking her down is worse ... you've got obsessive then embarrassed yourself UNDER A PSEUDONYM ON THE INTERNETS, it's not the end of the world.

> was genuinely care about her

Moar liek "genuinely care about a constructed fantasy figure that I have gradually convinced myself could be real." Nothing wrong with fantasy, but the second part is a problem. None of us know enough about Lia to "genuinely care" about her, and unless she's perfect in every way there's no way she could live up to the mythological figure that is Cracky Chan.

>> No.45  


Pictures and a knowledge of their basic personality can make you care for someone, he's not delusional. It's human nature to care for a person of the opposite sex in which we find attractive, there's no denying that. It may seem a more shallow care at first until the person knows the other better, but it's still care.

But as with a lot of women, the more intrusive and possessive you are with them, the more they want to back off, naturally. And the same with some guys, I'm the same way. I've had an IM stalker that just won't back off and to this day, after a year, she still emails me hoping I'll talk to her but it's just creepy. The more obsessed they seem, the less you feel like you can openly communicate with them for fear of them thinking you're interested.

And I think anyone with a brain here doesn't expect Lia to be more than a typical young woman. I just think OCD runs rampant on this board as well as some fan boards. But in a way, it makes us good, loyal people. My last gf of 5 years, I was very loyal and I couldn't think of any other girl. I think PA, as well as others here, may have OCD since we tend to think about one thing a lot and lose focus on others, but I've no doubt, a majority of people here are smart, educated, and also do well at what they do due to their compulsive and maybe perfectionist nature. In other words, don't talk shit about PA.

>> No.46  

Hmm, well certainly I think Lia is So Fucking Cute And Sweet(tm) and hope things go well for her, as I'm sure we all do. However PA seemed to have taken it further.

> I just think OCD runs rampant on this board

Heh, well for the record I have to run round thoroughly checking each windows / lock about 5 times over before I can leave my house or whatever without worrying I've missed one shortly after.

>> No.47  


Was that a stab at me, personally? Or the community in general?

>> No.48  
File: 1186546329547.jpg -(46731 B, 382x435) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In the nights; dream delight.

>> No.49  

perhaps dragonforce can make a song about her

>> No.50  

I prefer to let my work speak for itself.

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